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           Public Health



Water Sampling for Public Safety
Kitsap Public Health District works to ensure that our streams, lakes, and shorelines are safe for public use. We want to be sure people enjoying our great natural environment are not exposed to health hazards from water pollution. Keeping waterways safe and sanitary means people don’t get sick when swimming or from eating shellfish.
The program assesses 107 stations on 57 streams, and 71 stations in 12 marine embayments. Data for fecal coliform bacteria, an indicator of human or animal waste, goes back to 1994. This long history of data provides a clear picture of trends, both short and long-term, of pollution. Additionally, the program determines, from the data, the highest priority areas for Water Clean Up Projects
You may request data for your local stream or bay, or learn more in the annual Water Quality Monitoring Report, as well as the Healthy Beaches fact sheet.

Kitsap County Public Works Stormwater Division Kitsap Public Health District Kitsap Conservation District WSU Kitsap Extension Kitsap Public Utility District